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Berkovsky Balkans

Берковски балкан

Hotel Gelov

Hotel Gelov Berkovitsa

Времето в Берковица

18.08.2012, 4:42
real feel: 14°C
current pressure: 1020 mb
humidity: 75%
wind speed: 0 km / h N
wind gusts: 0 km / h
sunrise: 6:37
sunset: 20:26
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Velikden in Seme wanted Gelov g. Berkowitz

(Ended) Offer period: 13.04.2012 – 16.04.2012  Великден в семеен хотел Гелов гр. Берковица
Hotel "Gelov" invites you for the Easter holidays in the city. Berkowitz. At your disposal are: 12 double,  4 studios, 3 apartments, one of which is 5 and a local restaurant. hotel is cozy and perfectly suited for families with detsa.Ofertata includes:  3 nights, 3 Snacks, 2 lunch and 3 Evenings: 

  • Room with two beds:  160 lev / person for the entire period (Nights with food)
  • Price for apartment: 175lev / person for the entire period (Nights with food)
  • Price for apartment: 190 lev / person for the entire period (Nights with food)
  • One bedroom apartment: 250lev / person for the entire period (Nights with food)
  • For children 30 lev. food for the entire stay
The package includes use of gym and sauna.
1. Friday: 13.04.2012


  • Salad boss
  • Stack Antoaneta
  • Banana Split
  • 50g. Peshtersko lain
  • ½ bottle of wine Chateau
  • 500ml. mineral water

2. Saturday: 14.04.2012


  • Homemade pie
  • Fruit
  • Tea or coffee
  • 500ml. mineral water


  • Pileška soup
  • Pile on pruning
  • Pancake with jam
  • 500ml. mineral water


  • Sheep Salad
  • Pork spindle
  • Strained yogurt with honey
  • 50g. Pomoriiska Muscat
  • ½ Pomorie Muscat
  • 500ml. mineral water

3. Sunday: 15.04.2012


  • Kozunak tiles with sirens
  • Cafe or Tea
  • 500ml. mineral water


  • Green salad
  • Agneška soup
  • Lamb roast with oddments
  • Cake, velikdenski âjca


  • Shopska salad
  • Kûfteta at Constantinople
  • Cake

4. Monday 16.04.2012


  • Toasts
  • Sweetly, oil
  • Fruit
  • Cafe or Tea
  • 500ml. mineral water
Velikdenska programs Obŝina Berkovica:

15 April 2012 Mr..
08.00 h. - Tradicionen Velikdenski motocross - s. Mezdreya
10.30 h. - Velikdenski Concert on the Square. "Radičkov"
11.30 h. - Implementation of Berkovska brass band


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